REVES meetings

Annual REVES meetings

REVES, the network on health expectancy and the disablement process, holds regular meetings since its very first one which was in Quebec City in 1989.
These meetings allow the presentation of recent researches conducted worldwide on various topics: the reference conceptual frameworks, international comparisons, methods, trends determinants and disparities.

So far, 25 REVES meetings have been held, in different countries were Reves members currently work: 3 in Canada, 5 in the United States, 9 in Europe, 4 in Asia, 1 in Northern Africa, 1 in Australia, 1 in Latin America. The 26th meeting will be held in the United Kingdom in Spring 2014.

In these pages, you can find the list of the presentations given during each meeting. For the most recent meetings, the slides of the presentations are provided. Most of the papers or slides of presentations given in earlier meetings are available upon request (see list of the REVES papers). Some of these papers were first presented and discussed during REVES meeting before publication in scientific journals or proceedings (references can be found in the REVES bibliographic list and REVES proceedings).

Since 2004, a memorial lecture is given in the honour of George Myers. Slides of presentations are available in this web site.

Information on the coming REVES meeting is posted on this website (Click in the box).