1992 Ottawa, Canada

5th REVES meeting, Ottawa (Canada), 1992

Future uses of health expectancy indices

Organized by Russel Wilkins, Statistics Canada

During this meeting, the network started to examine health expectancy losses attributable to various causes. More than 40 papers were presented:

  • Adams OB, Chamie M. General Report of the 5th Meeting of the International Network on Health Expectancy, Ottawa, 19-20-21 February 1992/Rapport général de la 5ème réunion internationale du Réseau Espérance de Vie en Santé à Ottawa, les 19-20-21 février 1992.
    [This paper has been the basis of a published article: Adams OB, Wilkins R. Development of health expectancy indicators: Meeting of the international Network on Health Expectancy (REVES) / Développement des indices d’espérance de vie en santé : réunion internationale du Réseau Espérance de Vie En Santé (REVES). Statistics Canada / Statistique Canada : Health Reports / Rapports sur la santé, 1992:4 (1)]
  • Barendregt J, Bonneux L. Health expectancy: a common denominator in a multi-disease model of public health.
  • Bonneuil N, Brouard N, Robine JM. Active life expectancy: a method of calculation.
  • Bronnum-Hansen H, Rasmussen NK. Loss of healthy years of life in Denmark.
  • Brouard N. Report of the committee on Calculation methods.
  • Bélanger A, Rogers A, Rogers RG. Recent developments in multi-state modeling of active life expectancy.
  • Chamie M. Harmonization and use of health expectancy indices: where we stand, where we could be going.
  • Chamie M. Report of the committee on Conceptual harmonization.
  • Chao YMY. Achieving national health goals for the year 2000 in Taiwan.
  • Corder L, Manton KG, Stallard E. Change in the functional level of the United States population in the 1980s.
  • Crimmins E, Hayward MD, Saito Y. The relationship between changing mortality rates, changing morbidity rates and the health status of the population.
  • Furrie A, Patry M. The Health and Activity Limitation Surveys of 1991.
  • Grotvedt L. Health expectancy in Norway calculated by Sullivan’s method.
  • Lafontaine P, Pampalon R, Rochon M. L’espérance de vie sans incapacité en région au Québec/Regional differences in health expectancy in Québec.
  • Lamb VL, Myers G, Andrews G. More results from recent work in developing countries.
  • Letenneur L, Commenges D, Dartigues JF, Barberger-Gateau P. Modélisation de l’incidence de la démence à partir de données prévalentes/Modeling the incidence of dementia from prevalence datas.
  • Mathers C. Estimating gains in health expectancy due to elimination of specified diseases.
  • Michel JP, Robine JM. Exemple de modélisation du vieillissement/Modeling the aging process: an example.
  • Myers G. Report of the committee on Research design protocols.
  • Osborn R. Cohort changes in chronic disease and activity limitation.
  • Petrie B. Welcome to the fifth Meeting of the International Network on Health Expectancy/Mot de bienvenue à l’occasion de la 5ème réunion internationale du Réseau Esperance de Vie En Santé.
  • Qiao ZK, Wilkins R, Yang M, Lan Y, Che X, Chan Y. Health expectancy of the elderly in Xichang prefecture, Sichuan province, China.
  • Reynolds D.L, Torrance G.W, Badley E, Bennett K.J., Chambers L.W., Goldsmith C.H., Tugwell P. Modeling the reduction in quality of life from musculoskeletal diseases: arthritis.
  • Ritchie K. Report of the committee on Cognitive deterioration.
  • Robine JM, Michel JP. Les espérances de santé: vers une harmonisation internationale des indicateurs de santé/Towards international harmonization of health expectancy indices.
  • Robine JM. Concerted action on health expectancy in Europe/ Action concertée sur l’espérance de santé en Europe.
  • Rochon M. Brunelle Y. Limites, avantages et utilisation des EVSI dans le contexte actuel de l’évolution des systèmes de soins/strengths and weaknesses of using disability-free life expectancy indices in the context of a changing system of health care.
  • Stone L. The bridge between research and policy in the field of functional health measurement. [disponible / available, for discussion only]
  • Thuriaux M.C. The importance to WHO of healthy life expectancy as a planning and policy tool for member states/A quoi l’EVS peut-elle servir?
  • Torrance G.W. Utility weighting of health states for use in health expectancy indices.
  • Tu EJC, Chen K. Changes in active life expectancy in Taiwan: compression or expansion?
  • Vandenbroele H. Plans for a study of health expectancy among the elderly in Belgium.
  • Verbrugge LM, Reoma JM. Short-term dynamics of disability and their relevance for summary indices such as active life expectancy.
  • Walker J, McColl MA, Wilkins R, Corey P, Stirling P. Expectations of health and quality of life among aging spinal cord injured adults.[This paper has been published under the reference: McColl MA, Walker J, Stirling P, Wilkins R, Corey P. Expectations of life and health among spinal cord injured adults. Spinal Cord 1997;35:818-828.]
  • Wilkins R, Adams O. Independence and autonomy expectancy of Canada’s seniors/Espérance de vie autonome et indépendante chez les aînés du Canada.
  • Wolfson M, Manton KG. A review of models of population health expectancy: a microsimulation perspective.
  • Wolfson M. Report of the committee on Models.
  • van de Water H.P.A. Policy relevance of the health expectancy indicator: planning the next steps.
  • van de Water H.P.A. Report of the committee on Policy-related.
  • van den Bos G.A.M. Integration of data on health expectancy from various sources and evaluation of health care policy.