Calculation on line

Calculation methods and online software

There are several calculation methods to estimate health expectancies. Among them the most commonly used are

  • The Sullivan method based on common life tables and prevalence of various health dimensions. You can find several documents explaining the method to be downloaded and links towards exercise spreadsheets. The European information system (Ehemu) provide a computation system online for the European countries based on data from various European surveys.
  • The multistate method based on longitudinal data allowing the estimation of all the transitions between the different health dimensions under consideration and between these dimensions and death. Different methods exist to compute health expectancies and assess confidence intervals. Three computation softwares are available online.

Two pages are available in this section. One provides documents related to the computation by Sullivan method (guide and spreadsheet) and the other provides documents on multistate computation methods: IMach, Gibbs Sampler for Multistate Life Tables Software-GSMLT and SPACE (under construction).