1995 Chicago, Etats Unis
8ème réunion de REVES, Chicago (Etats Unis), 1995
Conférence organisée par S. Jay Olshansky, Université deChicago
REVES a travaillé sur la pertinance des espérances de santé comme indicateurs de santé publique et sur des nouvelles méthodes de calcul. Sept des 40 présentations à la conférence ont été publiées dans un n° spécial du journal Age and Aging:

J Aging Health 1998;10(2)
Olshansky SJ, Wilkins R. Introduction: p.123-135
Bone M, Bebbington AC, Nicolaas G. Policy applications of health expectancy: p.136-153.
Jagger C, Raymond N, Morgan K. Planning for the future: p. the effect of changing mortality, incidence, and recovery rates on life expectancy with visual disability: p.154-170.
Robine JM, Mormiche P, Sermet C. Examination of the causes and mechanisms of the increase in disability-free life expectancy: p.171-191.
Hayward MD, Crimmins EM, Saito Y. Cause of death and active life expectancy in the older population of the United States: p.192-213.
Laditka SB, Wolf DA. New methods for analyzing Active Life Expectancy: p.214-241.
Barendregt JJ, Bonneux L, van der Maas PJ. Health expectancy: p. from a population health indicator to a tool for policy making: p.242-258.
... autres présentations:
- Berthelot JM, Roberge R, Wolfson MC, Tugwell P. Modeling the
population health impact of osteo-arthritis.
- Bonneux L, Barendregt JJ, van der Maas PJ. Exchanging cardiovascular disability for cardiac death: understanding the dynamics of change.
- Briscoe N, Plant A, Smith L. An intrinsic life table based on Australian data.
- Brody J. A new statistic.
- Brouard N. Is a World-Wide Web server a good tool to share
information and encourage harmonization of health
- Cambois E, Robine JM. The treatment of disablement in the
health reports and the use of health expectancy
- Carrière Y, Légaré J. The need for assistance in ADL and IADL:
Redefining the concept of health for the elderly
- Chen J, Wilkins R. Unmet needs for personal assistance in Canada.
- Corder EH, Basun H, Corder L, Minblad B. Apolipoprotein E
genotype influences survival in the oldest-old with intact
- Deeg DJH, Smit JH, Boshuizen HC. How stable are survey
measurements of ADL disability and functional
- Ham-Chande R. Population and health policies related to aging
in a developing society.
- Lamb VL, Faust K. Patterns of health and disablement among the elderly in the United States: a correspondence analysis of the AHEAD data.
- Liu X. Modeling transitions in health status and active life
- Mulhorn KA, Horm J, Hendershot GE. Disability-specific death rates: a new tool for estimating health expectancy.
- Mutafova M, van de Water HPA, Maleshkov Ch, Boshuizen HC, Perenboom RJM. Policy implications of health expectancy calculations in Bulgaria.
- Myers GC, Manton KG. Sources of bias in ALE estimates from
survey data.
- Nam CB, Rogers RG, Hummer RA. Impact of future cigarette
smoking scenarios on mortality levels of adult population in the
U.S. until the year 2050.
- Nayar PKB. Healthy life expectancy among the inmates of old age
homes in two indian cities: Madras and Trivandrum.
- Ng E, Chen J. Estimating health expectancy by education for
Canada in the late 1980s.
- Nusselder WJ, Mackenbach JP. Rectangularization of the survival curve in the Netherlands in the 1980s: an analysis of underlying causes-of-death: preliminary results.
- Olshansky SJ, Carnes BA. Living on manufactured time: health implications of exceeding the biological limit to life.
- Panapasa SV, McNally JW. From cradle to grave: health expectancy and family support among the elderly in Fiji.
- Perenboom RJM, van de Water HPA, Boshuizen HC. Dementia-free life expectancy in the Netherlands, 1993.
- Petterson H. Trends in health expectancy for socio-economic
groups in Sweden.
- Phillips D. Longer life and poorer health in Trinidad and Tobago?
- Riley JC, Alter G. How long does wellness or sickness predict future health?
- Roberge R, Hood S, Berthelot JM, Nault F. Health-adjusted life
expectancy in Canada.
- Robine JM, Romieu I. Health expectancies.
- Robine JM. Opening remarks.
- Rudberg MA, Parzen M, Cassel C. Disability pathways and
transitions: implication for health expectancy measures.
- Saito Y, Crimmins EM, Hayward MD. Approaches to measuring
active life expectancy: prevalence versus incidence, population
versus status-based life tables.
- Sihvonen AP, Kunst AE, Lahelma E, Mackenbach JP, Valkonen T.
Health expectancy by education in Finland and Norway.
- Tu E, Chen K. Recent changes in healthy life expectancy and their implications for medical costs in Taiwan.
- Verbrugge L, Merrill SS, Liu X. Measuring disability with
- Wilkins R, Chen J. Measures of health expectancy based on physical independence handicap: demographic, regional and social dimensions for Canada in 1986 and 1991.
- van de Water HP, Perenboom HC, Boshuizen HC. Policy relevance of the health expectancy indicator: an inventory of European countries.