2003 Guadalajara, Mexique
15ème réunion de REVES, Guadalajara (Mexique), 2003
Socio-economic determinants in life and health expectancy
La 15ème conférence de REVES s’est tenue à Guadalajara, au Mexique, du 5 au 7 mai 2003. Elle était organisée par Roberto Ham-Chande, Collegio de le Frontera Norte.
Après Hammamet en Tunisie, il s’agissait de la seconde conférence de REVES organisée dans un pays en voie de développement.
Le thème de REVES 15, "Socio-economic determinants in life and health expectancy" a été choisi en tenant compte des problèmes sociaux et économiques liés à l’augmentation de l’espérance de vie dans les pays en voie de développement.
Liste des présentations à la conférence d’Hammamet. Les ppt sont disponibles sur demande.
- Albala C, Lera L, Vio F, García C, Marín PP, Pelaez M: Prevalence of cognitive impairment in four Latin American cities: Havana, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Santiago.
- Bronnum-Hansen H, Juel K. Smoking and the social gradient in health expectancy in Denmark.
- Brouard N, Lièvre A, Heathcote C. Projection of prevalence of disability and new features of latest versions 0.9x of IMACH.
- Bélanger A, Martel L. Social predictors of healthy aging in Canada.
- Cambois E. Social inequalities in the disablement process in France: upper classes have fewer limitations and better cope.
- Canales A, Montiel I. Economic conditions and well-being of the elderly.
- Cheung KSL, Tu EJC. Empirical evidence from Hong Kong on limits to normal human longevity.
- Cruz G. Active Life Expectancy in the Philippines.
- De León ME, Ham-Chande R, Palloni A. Comparative analysis of ADL and IADL in Latin America.
- Durán Muñoz CA. Cost-benefit of interventions for hypertensive elders. [Poster]
- Dávila AL. Life and Health Expectancies in Puerto Rico.
- Gaertner K. Development of life expectancy at birth and healthy life expectancy in Germany 1986-1998.
- Gallegos-Carrillo K, Duràn-Arenas JLG, Lopez-Carrillo L, Lopez-Cervantes M: Factors related quality of life in an elderly population.
- Garcia-Peña C et al. Aging in the Mexican Institute for Social Security: political implications of demographic and health projections. [Poster]
- González E, Ham-Chande R. New calculations on disabilities and health expectancies in Mexico. [Poster]
- Gorber S. Developing Canadian health state preference scores.
- Gutiérrez-Robledo LM. Active and cognitive impairment-free life expectancies: results from an epidemiological survey in 65+ elderly in Mexico city.
- Hagedorn A, Crimmins EM, Saito Y, Hayward MD. Another Look at Trends in Disability: Changes over time in onset of and recovery from disability among those over 70.
- Hajem S, Robine JM. Health expectancies in Tunisia in 1995 according to socioeconomic status.
- Hatmadji SH, Cicih LHM: Health expectancy of Indonesian elderly.
- Hayward MD, Warner DF, Crimmins EM. Toward a better understanding of race/ethnic differences in active life expectancy.
- Herrmann F. Hypertension-Free life expectancy in the Swiss Elderly population. [Poster]
- Hoehn C. Social status, health-related behaviour and health career in Germany. In: 15th Work group meeting REVES, Guadalajara, Mexico, May 2003.
- Hoeymans N, van Lindert H, Westert G. The EuroQol in the Netherlands: describing health and estimating morbidity in the population.
- Jagger C, Spiers N, Matthews RJ, Brayne C, Boult C, Robinson T, Matthews F, and MRC-CFAS. Forecasting future disability levels under changing patterns of diseases. [Poster]
- Jagger C, Spiers N, Matthews RJ, Brayne C, Robinson T, Matthews F, and MRC-CFAS. Gains in disability-free life expectancy through the elimination of diseases and impairments.
- Juel K. Trend in mortality disparities between unskilled workers and upper non-manuals: the impact of tobacco, alcohol and external causes of deaths.
- Kaneda T, Zimmer Z, Tang Z, Li MF. Socioeconomic differentials in active life expectancy among older adults in Beijing and Taiwan.
- Kruijshaar ME, Hoeymans N, Spijker J, Stouthard MEA, Essink-Bot ML. The burden of depression in the Netherlands: is disability of depression overestimated?
- Lin H, Saito Y, Kristen Suthers C. Changes in depressive-symptom free life expectancy in Taiwan : 1989-1999.
- Lièvre A, Brouard N, Mormiche P. Comparison of age-specific incidences of disability and recovery to health between USA (1986-1990) and France (1998-2001) with special focus on attrition problems due to movements from private household to institution and vice-versa.
- Lozano R. Exploring health domains using a national survey.
- Lubitz J. Measuring compression of morbidity in the US elderly.
- Lynch SM, Scott Brown J. Socioeconomic differences in US active life expectancy : application of a bayesian approach to estimating multistate life tables using multiple waves of data.
- Miller L, Matthews F, Brayne C, Jagger C: Estimating decline in longitudinal healthy active life expectancy in the presence of misclassification: An example using the Medical Research Councils Cognitive Function and Ageing Study data.
- Minicuci N. Disability free life expectancy in older Italians.
- Molla MT, Wagener DK, Madans JH. Adult activity limitation differentials by level of education in the United States.
- Molla MT. Changes in the prevalence of obesity and self-rated health among adults: United States. 1980, 1990 and 2000. [Poster]
- Moriarty DG, Zack MM, Gizlice Z, Klementiev AAA. The use of healthy days measures in health expectancy estimates.
- Mutafova M, Maleshkov C, Mircheva D. Socio-economic determinants in life and health in Bulgaria.
- Natividad J. Exploring socioeconomic correlates of active life expectancy among Filipino older persons.
- Olshansky SJ, Carnes BA, Brody J, Ludwig D, Hayflick L, Butler R. Impact of the modern rise of obesity and infectious diseases on forecasts of life expectancy.
- Pérès K, Lièvre A, Jagger C, Barberger-Gateau P. Total and disability free life expectancy by gender and level of education.
- Ramírez B. Current situation and trends of economic well-being of the elderly.
- Reynolds S. Working Life Expectancy for American Men and Women in the 1990s. [Poster]
- Robine JM, Romieu I. Trends in health expectancies. [Poster]
- Robles-Silva L, Orozco-Mares I. Social constructions and elderly identity affecting needs and care.
- Rodriguez L, Pelaez M. Health conditions of the elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Saad P. A comparative study of transfers and informal support for the elderly in seven cities of Latin America.
- Torres AL, Ybáñez E. Transfers and family strategies in support of the elderly.
- Van Oyen H, Bossuyt N, Deboosere P, Gadeyne S. Differential inequity in health by region in Belgium.
- Vázquez Palacios F, Reyes Gomez L. Well-being and Social Status In Old Age in Rural and Urban Societies.
- Wilkins R, Ng E, Berthelot JM. Trends in health expectancy by neighbourhood income and education in Canada from 1986-1996.
- Wong R. Socioeconomic level and health in population of middle- and old-age in Mexico.