1995 Chicago, USA
8th REVES meeting, Chicago (USA), 1995
The conference was organized by S. Jay Olshansky, The University of Chicago
REVES examined the policy relevance of indicators in terms of public health as well as new calculation methods. More than 40 papers were presented. Among which, 7 were selected for publication in the journal Age and Aging (see below).

J Aging Health 1998;10(2)
Olshansky SJ, Wilkins R. Introduction: p.123-135
Bone M, Bebbington AC, Nicolaas G. Policy applications of health expectancy: p.136-153.
Jagger C, Raymond N, Morgan K. Planning for the future: p. the effect of changing mortality, incidence, and recovery rates on life expectancy with visual disability: p.154-170.
Robine JM, Mormiche P, Sermet C. Examination of the causes and mechanisms of the increase in disability-free life expectancy: p.171-191.
Hayward MD, Crimmins EM, Saito Y. Cause of death and active life expectancy in the older population of the United States: p.192-213.
Laditka SB, Wolf DA. New methods for analyzing Active Life Expectancy: p.214-241.
Barendregt JJ, Bonneux L, van der Maas PJ. Health expectancy: p. from a population health indicator to a tool for policy making: p.242-258.
... and more papers:
- Berthelot JM, Roberge R, Wolfson MC, Tugwell P. Modeling the
population health impact of osteo-arthritis.
- Bonneux L, Barendregt JJ, van der Maas PJ. Exchanging cardiovascular disability for cardiac death: understanding the dynamics of change.
- Briscoe N, Plant A, Smith L. An intrinsic life table based on Australian data.
- Brody J. A new statistic.
- Brouard N. Is a World-Wide Web server a good tool to share
information and encourage harmonization of health
- Cambois E, Robine JM. The treatment of disablement in the
health reports and the use of health expectancy
- Carrière Y, Légaré J. The need for assistance in ADL and IADL:
Redefining the concept of health for the elderly
- Chen J, Wilkins R. Unmet needs for personal assistance in Canada.
- Corder EH, Basun H, Corder L, Minblad B. Apolipoprotein E
genotype influences survival in the oldest-old with intact
- Deeg DJH, Smit JH, Boshuizen HC. How stable are survey
measurements of ADL disability and functional
- Ham-Chande R. Population and health policies related to aging
in a developing society.
- Lamb VL, Faust K. Patterns of health and disablement among the elderly in the United States: a correspondence analysis of the AHEAD data.
- Liu X. Modeling transitions in health status and active life
- Mulhorn KA, Horm J, Hendershot GE. Disability-specific death rates: a new tool for estimating health expectancy.
- Mutafova M, van de Water HPA, Maleshkov Ch, Boshuizen HC, Perenboom RJM. Policy implications of health expectancy calculations in Bulgaria.
- Myers GC, Manton KG. Sources of bias in ALE estimates from
survey data.
- Nam CB, Rogers RG, Hummer RA. Impact of future cigarette
smoking scenarios on mortality levels of adult population in the
U.S. until the year 2050.
- Nayar PKB. Healthy life expectancy among the inmates of old age
homes in two indian cities: Madras and Trivandrum.
- Ng E, Chen J. Estimating health expectancy by education for
Canada in the late 1980s.
- Nusselder WJ, Mackenbach JP. Rectangularization of the survival curve in the Netherlands in the 1980s: an analysis of underlying causes-of-death: preliminary results.
- Olshansky SJ, Carnes BA. Living on manufactured time: health implications of exceeding the biological limit to life.
- Panapasa SV, McNally JW. From cradle to grave: health expectancy and family support among the elderly in Fiji.
- Perenboom RJM, van de Water HPA, Boshuizen HC. Dementia-free life expectancy in the Netherlands, 1993.
- Petterson H. Trends in health expectancy for socio-economic
groups in Sweden.
- Phillips D. Longer life and poorer health in Trinidad and Tobago?
- Riley JC, Alter G. How long does wellness or sickness predict future health?
- Roberge R, Hood S, Berthelot JM, Nault F. Health-adjusted life
expectancy in Canada.
- Robine JM, Romieu I. Health expectancies.
- Robine JM. Opening remarks.
- Rudberg MA, Parzen M, Cassel C. Disability pathways and
transitions: implication for health expectancy measures.
- Saito Y, Crimmins EM, Hayward MD. Approaches to measuring
active life expectancy: prevalence versus incidence, population
versus status-based life tables.
- Sihvonen AP, Kunst AE, Lahelma E, Mackenbach JP, Valkonen T.
Health expectancy by education in Finland and Norway.
- Tu E, Chen K. Recent changes in healthy life expectancy and their implications for medical costs in Taiwan.
- Verbrugge L, Merrill SS, Liu X. Measuring disability with
- Wilkins R, Chen J. Measures of health expectancy based on physical independence handicap: demographic, regional and social dimensions for Canada in 1986 and 1991.
- van de Water HP, Perenboom HC, Boshuizen HC. Policy relevance of the health expectancy indicator: an inventory of European countries.