1996 Rome, Italy
9th REVES meeting, Rome (Italy), 1996
Towards an integrated system of indicators to assess the health status of the population
The meeting was organized by Viviana Egidi, ISTAT
A selection of the papers presented was published in proceedings:
1996 Rome

... and more papers:
- Berod AC, Bula CJ, Aronow HU, Santos-Eggimann B, Stuck AE, Alessi C, Rubenstein LZ, Beck J. Standard error estimation of active life expectancy using bootstrap.
- Boshuizen HC, Van Herten LM, Perenboom RJM, Van de Water HPA.
Attributing life expectancy in poor health to chronic
- Chamie M, Me A, Groce N. DFLE and DALY: Two indicators to quantify population health status.
- Chen K, Tu J, Chang M, Yang C. Morbidity and Chronic Disability in an Elderly Population: Taiwan, 1989-1993.
- Crimmins EM, Hayward MD, Saito Y, Reynolds SL. Education and health: the roots of the relationship between Active Life Expectancy and SES?
- Deeg DJH, Smit JH, Kriegsman DMW, Van Zonneveld RJ. Transition
in health limitations in the Netherlands: comparison across four
- Golini A. Multidimensional nature of the health concept: a demographical point of view.
- Groenhof F, Kunst AE, MacKenbach JP, Ec Working Group On SocioEconomic inequalities. Socioeconomic Inequalities in mortality: comparing Eastern European Countries with Western European Countries.
- Hauet E. Requirement for a further harmonisation of survey
methodologies in Europe: An example: the use of the European
Community Household Panel in order to compare health expectancy
- Hayward MD, Heron M. Racial Inequality in Active Life Among Adult Americans.
- Herrmann FR, Michel J-P. Dementia free life expectancy in Switzerland: comparison between expected and observed estimates.
- Hill GB, Forbes WF, Wilkins R. The Entropy of Health and Disease: Dementia in Canada.
- Maggi S, Minicuci N, Grigoletto F, Amaducci L for the ILSA
Working Group. Prevalence of chronic diseases and disability in
older italians: the italian longitudinal study on aging.
- Meslé F. Classifying causes of death according to an aetiological axis.
- Myers GC, Elman C. Patterns of Health Status in Early America:
Results from the1880 US Census.
- Nusselder WJ, Looman CWN, Stronks K, MacKenbach JP. Compression of morbidity: an exploration of the conditions.
- Perenboom RJM, Boshuizen HC, Van Herten LM, Van de Water HPA. The development of a method to distinguish between types of disability in the DFLE.
- Rasmussen NK, Petersen HC, Brønnum-Hansen H. Dimensions of indicators in healthy life- expectation calculations.
- Sihvonen AP, Lahelma E, Valkonen T. Changes in the educational
pattern in health expectancy from 1986 to 1994 in
- Tsuji I, Sauvaget C, Hisamichi S. Medical cost for disability and co-morbidity.
- Van Den Bos T. Possibilities for joint research.
- Van Herten LM, Boshuizen HC, Perenboom RJM, Van de Water HPA. Healthy life expectancy and education as indicator for socioeconomic status.
- Van de Water HPA, Kramers PGN. Integrated Measures of
Population Health: Relevance and Practice.
- Verbrugge LM, Van Den Bos T. REVES Enterprise: Developing a
Global Disability Indicator.
- Wolf DA, Laditka SB. Stochastic Modeling of Active Life Expectancy.