1999 London, United Kingdom
11th REVES meeting, London (United kingdom),1999
Back to the Future - Health expectancy, the next decade
The meeting was organized by Carol Jagger, University of Leicester
Papers presented
- Ainslie R, Rickayzen B, Walsh D. Using Healthy Life Expectancy
data to project the number of people who will require long-term
- Barbi E, Caselli G, Vallin J. Trajectories of extreme survival in heterogeneous populations.
- Barendregt JJ, Bonneux L, Van Der Maas P. Smoking and the compression of morbidity (2).
- Bebbington A, Wittenberg R. The implications for long term care finance of trends in healthy life expectancy.
- Belanger A, Berthelot J-M, Martel L. The Canadian National Population Health Survey and the calculation of Canadian health expectancy indicators for the next decade.
- Berthelot J-M, Belanger A, Gruimond E. A head-to head comparison of two generic health status measures in the household population: McMaster Health Utility Index (Mark III) and the EQ-5D.
- Bonneux L, Witthaus E, Ott A, Breteler MM, Barendregt J. The burden of disease of dementia.
- Bronnum-Hansen H. Socioeconomic differences in health expectancy in Denmark.
- Brugha T. Can lay survey interviewers learn how to rate clinical psychiatric symptoms reliably?.
- Bruzzone S, Loghi M, Mignolli N, Reale A. Elderly people in Italy: Health, economic conditions and social life. An analysis of future prospects.
- Burgio A, Solipaca A. Elderly people in Italy: cost and social features of inpatient admissions.
- Cambois E, Robine J-M. Differentials in health expectancy for three socio-professional groups in the French male population, 1980-1991.
- Carrière Y, Légaré J. Handicap-free life expectancy in later life according to living arrangements, Canada, 1986-1991.
- Cerbara L, Heins F. Motor vehicle accidents and health expectancy in Italy.
- Clerc Bérod A, Santos-Eggiman B. Long term formal-care free life expectancy in Switzerland.
- Davis BA, Heathcote CR, O’Neill TJ. Estimating cohort health expectancies from cross-sectional data.
- Deeg D. Activities of the Methodology of Longitudinal Studies on Ageing (MLSA) Network.
- Deeg D. Self-rated health: does it measure health as well as we think it does?.
- Desesquelles A, Brouard N. Who are the disabled persons in France? Correspondence and cluster analysis of data from the French national pre-test survey on disabilities.
- Ham-Chande R, Pelaez M. Health expectancy In Latin America.
- Hayward MD, Crimmins EM. Disease-free life expectancy in the United States.
- Herrman FR, Gostynski M, Ajdacic-Gross V, Gutzwiller F, Michel J-P. Fall free life expectancy in the Swiss elderly.
- Iburg KM, Bronnum-Hansen H, Bjerregaard P. Health Expectancy in Greenland.
- Jacobzone S, Jee M. The challenges in outcomes-oriented policy making in OECD countries.
- Jagger C, Parker S, Spiers N, Lindesay J, Peet S. Can we use the SF-36 to measure population health?
- Laditka SB, Jenkins CL. Effects of disability measurement scales on Active Life Expectancy estimates.
- Lamb VL. The effects of population development on elderly health and disablement.
- Lièvre A, Brouard N, Heathcote CR. The estimation of health expectancies from cross-longitudinal surveys.
- Mathers C, Jain S. Trends in Health Expectancies in Australia 1981-1998 and Preliminary Results From the Australian Burden of Disease Study.
- Mathers C. HE and DALYs.
- Matthews F. The MRC Cognitive Function and Aging Study: A multi dimensional approach to healthy active life expectancy in England and Wales.
- Melse JM, Hoeymans N, Gijsen R, Poos MJJC, Stouthard MEA, Essink-Bot ML, Kramers PGN. An estimate for the burden of disease in the Netherlands.
- Mutafova M, Van de Water HPA, Maleshkov H, Perenboom R, Tonkova S. Additional study for assessment of mental health expectancy in Bulgaria.
- Nayar PKB. Morbidity transition and disability free life expectancy at age 60. Findings from a health survey among the elderly in Kerala, India.
- Nusselder WJ, Looman CWN, Marang-Van de Mheen PJ, Van de Mheen H, MacKenbach JP. Smoking and the compression of morbidity (1).
- Perenboom RJM, Van Herten LM. Mental Health Expectancy in The Netherlands, a new approach, based on the MHI-5.
- Sauvaget C, Jagger C, Arthur T. Healthy Life Expectancies from Primary Care Monitoring.
- Smith LR. The limits of healthy life expectancy.
- Van Ginneken J, Rahman O. Health expectancy in a rural area of Bangladesh in 1996.