2002 Hammamet, Tunisia
14th REVES meeting , Hammamet (Tunisia), 2002

14th REVES meeting, Hammamet (Tunisia), 2002
Ageing in emerging countries - From DFLE calculations to the implementation of public health actions.
The 14th meeting of the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES) was held in Hammamet, Tunisa, on April 24-26th 2002, organised by Said Hajem, Tunisian National Institute of Public Health. An important part of this meeting was devoted to the study of ageing in emerging countries, in particular in Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Below is a list of all papers presented at this meeting. The ppt
are available on request.
- Al Mamun A, Peeters A, Barendregt JJ, Willekens F, Bonneux L. Does smoking increase or decrease cardiovascular morbidity? A life course analysis of the Framingham Heart Study.
- Andrews G. Globally how can the evidence drive decisions, policy and implementation.
- Barberger-Gateau P, Peres K, Verret C, Alioum A. Factors associated with progression and regression through hierarchically related states of disability in elderly people.
- Barendregt JJ. Confidence intervals for health expectancy.
- Belanger A, Martel L, Berthelot J-M, Wilkins R. Gender differences in disability-free life expectancy for selected risk factors and chronic conditions in Canada.
- Cambois E. Functional limitation and activity restriction: an overview of the disablement process in the French population using the 1999 household disability survey.
- Deeg D, Portrait F, Beekman A. Does depression increase in older age? Data from the Netherlands in the 1990s.
- Ebrahim SH. Emerging Diseases and its Impact on Life Expectancy.
- Gutierrez-Robledo LM, Ostrisky-Solis F, Sandra J, Sanchez L, Antonio V. Prevalence of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in subjects 65 years and older in Mexico city. An epidemiological survey.
- Ham-Chande R, Palloni A. Life and health expectancies in urban Latin America.
- Harzallah F, Hajem S, Yahyaoui H, Robine JM, Gueddana N, Achour N. Trends in disability-free life expectancy in Tunisia, 1995-2000.
- Herrmann FR. Particularities of geronto and geriatric epidemiological studies.
- Hoeymans N. Comorbidity of mental disorders and burden of disease calculations.
- Hoogenveen R, Hoeymans N, Bemelmans W, Poos R, Jansen J. Disability-adjusted life-years lost attributable to specific risk factors.
- Jagger C, Cambois E, Barberger-Gateau P, Molla M, Herrmann F. The Disability Process - how and why.
- Jagger C, Saito Y, Lievre A. Multi-state life tables: new software
- Janssen F, Nusselder WJ, Looman Cwn, Kunst AE. Recent stagnation in the mortality decline among the elderly in the Netherlands: The contribution of smoking.
- Kruijshaar ME, Barendreg JJ and the European Disability Weights
Group. The burden of breast cancer in six European
countries:sensitivity to sources of variation.
- Labbene R. Prevalence Of Dementia In Tunisia.
- Labbene R, Hajem S, Moatamri M, Yahyiaoui H, Zoueri B, Gueddana N, Achour N. La Sante Mentale Du Sujet Age En Tunisie.
- Lamloun. La Transition Demographique.
- Lievre A. Deny of former health statuses during a new interview: the case of the French cross-longitudinal survey on disability among institutionalized people in 1998 and 2000.
- Manuel D, Schultz S. Health-adjusted Life Expectancy of People with Diabetes in Ontario: Calculated Using Population Health Survey Linked to a Population-based Disease Registry.
- Meng-Fan L, Chang J. Active life expectancy in Taiwan: 1989-1999.
- Miller L. The MRC cognitive function and aging study. A regional analysis of healthy active life expectancy in England and Wales.
- Mrabet A, Hajem S, Frej M, Mrabet D, Ayari H, Gueddana N, Achour N. Epidemiology of dementia in Tunisia.
- Mulder YM, Perenboom RJM. Health expectancy in 46 regions in the Netherlands.
- Mutafova,M. Disability-free life expectancy in Bulgaria.
- Nusselder W, Peeters A. Successful ageing: is there true success?
- Ofstedal MB, Zimmer Z. Comparative study of perceived health in 4 Asian countries.
- Peeters A, Barendregt J, Willekens F, Mackenbach J, Mamun AA, Bonneux L. Obesity in adulthood and reduced life expectancy.
- Portrait F, Alessie R. Does physical disability of older individuals improve in the nineties?
- Pérès K, Barberger-Gateau P. Ten-year change in disability and in associated factors in two generations of elderly subjects.
- Reyes-Frausto S, Jagger C, Barranco G, Garcia C, Cordova A, Alvarado L. Estimation of active life expectancy among the Mexican older population. .
- Robine JM, Romieu I, Michel JP. Some questions on disability trends among the elderly.
- Saito Y. Training on active life expectancy in Asian country.
- Tu EJC, Cheung SLK. Trends in healthy life expectancy in the elderly population of Hong-Kong between 1981 and 2001.
- Van Herten L M, Oudshoorn K. Health expectancy according to socio-economic status in the Netherlands.
- Van Oyen H. Differences in health expectancy indicators in Belgium by region.
- Verbrugge LM, Chan A. Receiving and giving help: Social exchange in Singapore.
- Waaler HT, Grøtvedt L, Hofoss D. The increase in life expectancy in Norway 1985-1998: Good years or bad?
- Wilkins R, Ng E, Berthelot JM, Mayer F. Regional differences in health expectancy by neighbourhood income and education in Canada.