2003 Guadalajara, Mexico
15th REVES meeting, Guadalajara (Mexico), 2003
Socio-Economic Determinants in Life and Health Expectancies
The 15th meeting of the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES) was held in Guadalajara, Mexico, on May 5-7, 2003, organised by Roberto Ham-Chande, Collegio de la Frontera Norte. Following REVES 14 in Tunisia, this was the second time the REVES network met in a developing country.
Because developing countries experience important social and economical problems linked to increasing life expectancies, the theme of REVES 15 was "Socio-economic determinants in life and health expectancy".
Below is a list of all papers presented at this meeting. The ppt are available on request.
- Albala C, Lera L, Vio F, García C, Marín PP, Pelaez M: Prevalence of cognitive impairment in four Latin American cities: Havana, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Santiago.
- Bronnum-Hansen H, Juel K. Smoking and the social gradient in health expectancy in Denmark.
- Brouard N, Lièvre A, Heathcote C. Projection of prevalence of disability and new features of latest versions 0.9x of IMACH.
- Bélanger A, Martel L. Social predictors of healthy aging in Canada.
- Cambois E. Social inequalities in the disablement process in France: upper classes have fewer limitations and better cope.
- Canales A, Montiel I. Economic conditions and well-being of the elderly.
- Cheung KSL, Tu EJC. Empirical evidence from Hong Kong on limits to normal human longevity.
- Cruz G. Active Life Expectancy in the Philippines.
- De León ME, Ham-Chande R, Palloni A. Comparative analysis of ADL and IADL in Latin America.
- Durán Muñoz CA. Cost-benefit of interventions for hypertensive elders. [Poster]
- Dávila AL. Life and Health Expectancies in Puerto Rico.
- Gaertner K. Development of life expectancy at birth and healthy life expectancy in Germany 1986-1998.
- Gallegos-Carrillo K, Duràn-Arenas JLG, Lopez-Carrillo L, Lopez-Cervantes M: Factors related quality of life in an elderly population.
- Garcia-Peña C et al. Aging in the Mexican Institute for Social Security: political implications of demographic and health projections. [Poster]
- González E, Ham-Chande R. New calculations on disabilities and health expectancies in Mexico. [Poster]
- Gorber S. Developing Canadian health state preference scores.
- Gutiérrez-Robledo LM. Active and cognitive impairment-free life expectancies: results from an epidemiological survey in 65+ elderly in Mexico city.
- Hagedorn A, Crimmins EM, Saito Y, Hayward MD. Another Look at Trends in Disability: Changes over time in onset of and recovery from disability among those over 70.
- Hajem S, Robine JM. Health expectancies in Tunisia in 1995 according to socioeconomic status.
- Hatmadji SH, Cicih LHM: Health expectancy of Indonesian elderly.
- Hayward MD, Warner DF, Crimmins EM. Toward a better understanding of race/ethnic differences in active life expectancy.
- Herrmann F. Hypertension-Free life expectancy in the Swiss Elderly population. [Poster]
- Hoehn C. Social status, health-related behaviour and health career in Germany. In: 15th Work group meeting REVES, Guadalajara, Mexico, May 2003.
- Hoeymans N, van Lindert H, Westert G. The EuroQol in the Netherlands: describing health and estimating morbidity in the population.
- Jagger C, Spiers N, Matthews RJ, Brayne C, Boult C, Robinson T, Matthews F, and MRC-CFAS. Forecasting future disability levels under changing patterns of diseases. [Poster]
- Jagger C, Spiers N, Matthews RJ, Brayne C, Robinson T, Matthews F, and MRC-CFAS. Gains in disability-free life expectancy through the elimination of diseases and impairments.
- Juel K. Trend in mortality disparities between unskilled workers and upper non-manuals: the impact of tobacco, alcohol and external causes of deaths.
- Kaneda T, Zimmer Z, Tang Z, Li MF. Socioeconomic differentials in active life expectancy among older adults in Beijing and Taiwan.
- Kruijshaar ME, Hoeymans N, Spijker J, Stouthard MEA, Essink-Bot ML. The burden of depression in the Netherlands: is disability of depression overestimated?
- Lin H, Saito Y, Kristen Suthers C. Changes in depressive-symptom free life expectancy in Taiwan : 1989-1999.
- Lièvre A, Brouard N, Mormiche P. Comparison of age-specific incidences of disability and recovery to health between USA (1986-1990) and France (1998-2001) with special focus on attrition problems due to movements from private household to institution and vice-versa.
- Lozano R. Exploring health domains using a national survey.
- Lubitz J. Measuring compression of morbidity in the US elderly.
- Lynch SM, Scott Brown J. Socioeconomic differences in US active life expectancy : application of a bayesian approach to estimating multistate life tables using multiple waves of data.
- Miller L, Matthews F, Brayne C, Jagger C: Estimating decline in longitudinal healthy active life expectancy in the presence of misclassification: An example using the Medical Research Councils Cognitive Function and Ageing Study data.
- Minicuci N. Disability free life expectancy in older Italians.
- Molla MT, Wagener DK, Madans JH. Adult activity limitation differentials by level of education in the United States.
- Molla MT. Changes in the prevalence of obesity and self-rated health among adults: United States. 1980, 1990 and 2000. [Poster]
- Moriarty DG, Zack MM, Gizlice Z, Klementiev AAA. The use of healthy days measures in health expectancy estimates.
- Mutafova M, Maleshkov C, Mircheva D. Socio-economic determinants in life and health in Bulgaria.
- Natividad J. Exploring socioeconomic correlates of active life expectancy among Filipino older persons.
- Olshansky SJ, Carnes BA, Brody J, Ludwig D, Hayflick L, Butler R. Impact of the modern rise of obesity and infectious diseases on forecasts of life expectancy.
- Pérès K, Lièvre A, Jagger C, Barberger-Gateau P. Total and disability free life expectancy by gender and level of education.
- Ramírez B. Current situation and trends of economic well-being of the elderly.
- Reynolds S. Working Life Expectancy for American Men and Women in the 1990s. [Poster]
- Robine JM, Romieu I. Trends in health expectancies. [Poster]
- Robles-Silva L, Orozco-Mares I. Social constructions and elderly identity affecting needs and care.
- Rodriguez L, Pelaez M. Health conditions of the elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Saad P. A comparative study of transfers and informal support for the elderly in seven cities of Latin America.
- Torres AL, Ybáñez E. Transfers and family strategies in support of the elderly.
- Van Oyen H, Bossuyt N, Deboosere P, Gadeyne S. Differential inequity in health by region in Belgium.
- Vázquez Palacios F, Reyes Gomez L. Well-being and Social Status In Old Age in Rural and Urban Societies.
- Wilkins R, Ng E, Berthelot JM. Trends in health expectancy by neighbourhood income and education in Canada from 1986-1996.
- Wong R. Socioeconomic level and health in population of middle- and old-age in Mexico.