2008 Manila, Philippines
20th REVES Meeting, Manila, Philippines

REVES @ 20: Assessing the Past, Looking to the Future
Organised by Dr. Grace T. Cruz and Dr. Josefina N. Natividad, from Population Institute, University of the Philippines.
The available slides of the presentations are accessible hereunder by clicking on the author’s name.
Session 1: REVES @ 20: Assessing the Past, Looking to
the Future.
- Cambois E , Romieu I. The irresistible evolution of the REVES network from the origin to the 20th meeting.
- Saito Y . Health Expectancy: Methods of Calculation: Advances Made in the Last 20 Years.
Session 2: Methodology (1).
- Zimmer Z , Nagin D, Martin L, Jones B. Trajectories in ADL disability among China’s oldest-old.
- Abatih E , Van Oyen H, Bossuyt N, Bruckers L. Variance Estimation Methods for Health Expectancy by Relative Socio- Economic Status.
- Matthews F, van den Hout, A. Estimating healthy life expectancy in the presence of non-ignorable missing data.
Session 3: Methodology (2).
- Verbrugge L . Activities and Disability.
- Tengku-Aizan H , Ardjomand Hessabi M, Siti Suhailah A, Verbrugge L. Relationship between functional status (ADL and IADL) and WHODASII disability among older Malaysians.
- Ham-Chande R , Reyes-Cortes MA. Delimiting age brackets for the elderly population: from the derivative to principal components and cluster analysis.
Session 4: Socio-economic and Demographic Factors
- Taylor M , Kelley-Moore J. The Role of Individual and Community Level SES on Disability Trajectories in Later Life.
- Chan A , Zimmer Z, Saito Y. Gender Differentials in Disability and Mortality Transitions: The Case of Older Adults in Japan.
Session 5: Socio-economic and Demographic Factors
- Deboosere P , Neels K, Van Oyen H. Education and the democratization of health and mortality in the Belgian Health Transition.
- Van Oyen H , Charafeddine R, Deboosere P, Demarest S. Socioeconomic inequalities in Disability Free Life Years at age 25 in Belgium: The evolution between 1997 and 2004.
- Cambois E , Laborde C, Robine J-M. Social inequalities in health expectancies: The double burden of social conditions.
Session 6: Trends in Aging and Healthy Life
- Stam S . Socioeconomic Differences in Health Expectancy New Estimates from the Netherlands.
- Yong V , Saito Y. Trends in Healthy Life Expectancy in Japan: 1986-2004.
- Meng-Fan Li , Hui-Sheng Lin, Saito Y. Active Life Expectancy by Chewing Ability: The Case of Elderly Taiwanese.
Session 7: Chronic Diseases and
- Levine DA , Mulhorn K. The Association of Health Care Access and Mortality in US Stroke Survivors.
- Matthews F , Wong M, Jagger C. The effect of smoking in old age on total life expectancy and disability free life expectancy.
- Reynolds S . Severity of Diabetes and Active Life Expectancy.
George Myers Lecture.
- Yi Z . Can Humans Achieve the Goal of Longer Life and Healthy Aging? Lessons Learned from Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Study.
Session 8: Nutrition and Quality of
- Zhang Z , Gu D, Hayward M. Childhood Nutritional Deprivation and Cognitive Aging Among Older Chinese.
- Borja J , Adair L. Chronic Diet Patterns that influence cognitive, physical and functional limitation associated with Aging.
- de la Vega S F. Filipino Well-being and Quality of Life.
Session 9: Health, Mortality and the Oldest
- Herrmann FR , Michel J-P, Robine J-M. Using life expectancy to improve prediction of the numbers of demented people.
- Brønnum-Hansen H , Petersen I, Jeune B, Christensen K. Lifetime in Various Health States among the Oldest Old in Denmark.
- Cheung S L K., Robine J-M, Horiuchi S, Thatcher R A. The Compression of Mortality: Evidence and Explanation.
- Minicuci N , Davis R, Andreotti A, Teggia Droghi A, Detogni C. Public Health Impact of Interpersonal Violence: A Mapping Exercise.
Programme [PDF | 1.6 M.o.]
Abstracts [PDF | 240.1 K.o.]
Cambois-Romieu.pdf [PDF | 4.4 M.o.]
Saito.pdf [PDF | 190.8 K.o.]
Zimmer-Nagin-Martin.pdf [PDF | 1.8 M.o.]
Abatih.pdf [PDF | 853.6 K.o.]
Matthews - Van den Hout.pdf [PDF | 459.2 K.o.]
Verbrugge.pdf [PDF | 355.8 K.o.]
Aizan-Hessabi-Suhailah-Verbrugge.pdf [PDF | 1.7 M.o.]
Ham-Chande-Reyes-Cortes.pdf [PDF | 174.1 K.o.]
Taylor-Kelley-Moore.pdf [PDF | 553.7 K.o.]
Chan-Zimmer-Saito.pdf [PDF | 176.3 K.o.]
Deboosere-Neels-Van Oyen.pdf [PDF | 1023.1 K.o.]
Van Oyen-Charafeddine.pdf [PDF | 215.1 K.o.]
Cambois-Laborde-Robine.pdf [PDF | 266.7 K.o.]
Stam.pdf [PDF | 671.3 K.o.]
Yong-Saito.pdf [PDF | 204.4 K.o.]
Li-Lin-Saito.pdf [PDF | 255.3 K.o.]
Levine-Mulhorn.pdf [PDF | 278.5 K.o.]
Matthews-Wong-Jagger.pdf [PDF | 433.8 K.o.]
Reynolds.pdf [PDF | 553.0 K.o.]
Yi-George Myers Lecture.pdf [PDF | 711.5 K.o.]
Zhang-Gu-Hayward.pdf [PDF | 506.3 K.o.]
Borja-Adair.pdf [PDF | 1.7 M.o.]
Herrmann-Michel-Robine.pdf [PDF | 585.5 K.o.]
Bronnum-Hansen-Petersen-Jeune-Christensen.pdf [PDF | 1.7 M.o.]
Minicuci.pdf [PDF | 128.9 K.o.]