Ehemu project (2004-2007)
The European health expectancies monitoring unit

The Ehemu project established an information system which facilitates the calculation of life and health expectancies in 25 countries within the European Union. It provides a central facility for the co-ordinated analysis and synthesis of life and health expectancies, provides evidence of inequalities between Member States (MS) and highlight potential targets for public health strategies both nationally and at a pan-European level.
EHEMU is funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs ( DG SANCO) under the Programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003-2008). Health expectancy is one of the structural indicators for the EU sustainable development policy.
EHEMU will thus contribute to developing and improving the European health monitoring system through collaboration with initiatives aimed at improving the quality and comparability of EU data. Previous Community actions have aimed at harmonization of data and the Euro-REVES network has been instrumental in developing instruments in key health domains, where appropriate through consensus meetings with other EU groups. EHEMU is the next step in this process, since valid comparisons between MS require not only harmonized data but also harmonized calculations and analyses.
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