Euro-REVES projects
The Euro-REVES I project (1994-1997)

The Euro-REVES Action, funded by the EC, was designed in 1993 to promote the exploitation of data presently available and to provide European guidelines for future population studies.
Its main objectives were:
- The development of guidelines for the construction and calculation of health expectancies with a view to European harmonization of concepts, data collection, and calculation methods.
- To provide a European data base on health expectancies which may be put at the disposition of individuals and organizations involved in health research and development programmes.
- To edit a reference document describing concepts, questionnaires and calculation methods which may be used as a basis for the further promotion of calculations by other countries both within and outside Europe.
The main outcome of Euro-REVES I was the production of guidelines and the the computation software Imach (Click on the link). The second phase, Euro-REVES 2 has consisted in proposing a "coherent set of health expectancies for Europe".
The second phase of the Euro-REVES project: Euro-REVES II (1999-2002)
The second phase of the project Euro-REVES, also funded by the
EC, aimed at selecting a concise set of instruments allowing the
production of a comprehensive set of health state
The Euro-REVES project defined the conceptual
framework for health in which to work and selected the
domains in which to develop instruments to monitor the health
status of the European population. The project also
reviewed the existing measurement instruments
covering the selected domains and finally suggested several
sets of questions to be implemented in national surveys
across Europe in order to harmonize health
expectancies and to allow comparisons.
The next phase of research at the European level was the European
health expectancy monitoring unit - Ehemu - which
provided a complete information system for the European health
expectancies (click on the link!).