Welcome to the WebPages of REVES, the International Network on Health Expectancy and the Disability Process. This site is designed to give you more information about our organisation, our Meetings, our Members and the latest REVES news. The Resources section will give you information on existing resources, such as the Bibliography on Health Expectancy. We hope you will find this site with its online resources useful, and welcome any comments you may have about it.
The REVES researchers participate in regional programs aiming at promoting research on health expectancies in their regions. Asia-REVES or Euro-REVES have allowed reflections on the way to improve comparisons of health expectancies in geographically and culturally close countries. The Healthy Life Years indicator (also called disability-free life expectancy) is now in the core set of the European Structural Indicators, following the Resolutions of the Lisbon European Council (20 to 23 March 2000). In this framework, the European Community is funding research programs led by European REVES members: Euro-REVES projects (1993-1996 and 1997-2002), the European Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit (Ehemu, 2004-2007) and the European Health and Life expectancy Information system (EHLEIS, 2007-2010).
In these pages you can find the definition and policy relevance of the health expectancies indicators. What does health expectancy measure: this indicators extend the simple measure of years of life, proposed by regular life expectancy, to the health dimension in order to appraise both the quantity and the quality of the years to be lived How to use and comment levels trends and disparities in health expectancy relate to the underlying health dimension integrated in the indicator. You can find in this page a document to be downloaded providing simple examples of interpretation
This page proposes the resources or services offered by REVES: (1) REVES Bibliography: original documents devoted to the calculation of health expectancies and their use and an international bibliography database, (2) REVES books journals special issues and a selection of synthesis documents produced by REVES, (3) Calculations on line: proposes guidebooks and online softwares developed by REVES members to compute health expectancies and the European database
REVES Bibliography: assembles references of all original documents devoted to the calculation of health expectancies and their use, with the main objective to set up, on an international basis, a complete list of health expectancy calculations, REVES papers proposes: (1) a selection of synthesis documents produced by REVES and available in pdf format. (2) the list of the contributions, published or not, to the annual REVES meetings. These contributions are available on request. For the three most recent meetings, the contributions can be downloaded (powerpoint format) from the "meetings" section.
There are several calculation methods to estimate health expectancies. Among them the most commonly used are: (1) The Sullivan method based on common life tables and prevalence of various health dimensions. You can find several documents explaining the method to be downloaded and links towards exercise spreadsheets. The European information system (Ehleis) provide a computation system online for the European countries based on data from various European surveys. (2) The multistate method based on longitudinal data allowing the estimation of all the transitions between the different health dimensions under consideration and between these dimensions and death. Different methods exist to compute health expectancies and assess confidence intervals. Three computation softwares are available online. Two pages are available in this section. One provides documents related to the computation by Sullivan method (guide and spreadsheet) and the other provides documents on multistate computation methods: IMach, Gibbs Sampler for Multistate Life Tables Software-GSMLT and SPACE (under construction).
Texte de présentation de la rubrique
REVES, the network on health expectancy and the disablement process, holds regular meetings since its very first one which was in Quebec City in 1989. These meetings allow the presentation of recent researches conducted worldwide on various topics: the reference conceptual frameworks, international comparisons, methods, trends determinants and disparities. So far, 26 REVES meetings have been held, in different countries were Reves members currently work: 3 in Canada, 5 in the United States, 10 in Europe, 4 in Asia, 1 in Northern Africa, 1 in Australia, 1 in Latin America. The 27th meeting will be held in Singapore Spring 2015. In these pages, you can find the list of the presentations given during each meeting. For the most recent meetings, the slides of the presentations are provided. Most of the papers or slides of presentations given in earlier meetings are available upon request. Some of these papers were first presented and discussed during REVES meeting before publication in scientific journals or proceedings. Since 2004, a memorial lecture is given in the honour of George Myers. Slides of presentations are available in this web site. Information on the coming REVES meeting is posted on this website.
REVES annual meetings
Michel Allar
Pascale Barberger - Gateau
Nicolas Brouard
Bruno Cadet
Emmanuelle Cambois
Alain Colvez
Jean-François Dartigues
Aline Desesquelles
Guy Desplanques
Qhang-Chi Dinh
Jean-Louis Flores
Melissa Jee
Bernard Ledésert
Luc Letenneur
Sophie Leroy
Agnes Lievre
Marc Maudinet
France Mesle
Karine Peres
Jean-François Ravaud
Karen Ritchie
Jean-Marie Robine
Isabelle Romieu
Roger Salamon
Catherine Sauvaget
Jacques Vallin