Books and special issues
European Journal of Ageing 2010

This issue publishes five selected works presented at the Réseau Espérance de Vie en Santé (REVES) Meeting 2009 in Copenhagen.
European Journal of Ageing 2008, 5(4)

A selection of the papers given at the 19th Annual Meeting of Réseau Espérance de Vie en Santé (REVES) held in May 2007, in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, is published in a Special Section for the European Journal of Ageing: Social, Behavioural and Health Perspectives (EJA).
Determining Health Expectancies, 2003

Editors Jean-Marie Robine, Carol Jagger, Colin D. Mathers, Eileen M. Crimmins, Richard M. Suzman. Determining Health Expectancies. Wiley , 2002, 444p
As an indicator of population health, health expectancy allows us to address the important question of whether or not we are exchanging longer life for poorer health - extending the quantity of life at the expense of quality. This book explains how to define and measure health and morbidity and how to combine these measurements with mortality to produce comparable health expectancies in order to address this key question.
Sections include:
- the concepts behind health expectancy and how they have evolved,
- methods of calculating health expectancies,
- comparisons of the health of the world’s countries at different stages of demographic transition and
- the relevance of health expectancies to health policy.
Determining Health Expectancies is built on ten years of work of REVES (Reseau Esperance de Vie en Sante/ Network on Health Expectancy). Researchers, clinicians, demographers and health planners will find it a well referenced coherent text for developing and evaluating methods of calculation and furthering the use of health expectancy as a tool of health planning.
More than 30 REVES members have contributed.
Towards an integrated system of indicators to assess the health status of the population, 1999

Egidi V, Eds. Towards an integrated system of indicators to assess the health status of the population: Proceedings of the 9th Work-group meeting REVES, Rome, December 1996. Rome: ISTAT, 1999 [Essays n°4].
Proceedings of the 9th REVES meeting held in Rome in 1996.
Journal of Aging and Health 1995;10(2:Special issue)

Journal of Aging Health 1998;10(2:special issue) Edited by Jay Olshansky and Russel Wilkins.
Proceedings of the 8th REVES meeting held in Chicago, USA in 1995.
Advances in health expectancies, 1994

Mathers CD, McCallum J, Robine JM, Eds Advances in health expectancies. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, AGPS, 1994.
Proceedings of the 7th REVES meeting held in Canberra, Australia in 1994
Calculation of health expectancies; harmonization, consensus achieved and future perspectives, 1993

Robine JM, Mathers CD, Bone MR, Romieu I, Eds. Calculation of health expectancies; harmonization, consensus achieved and future perspectives / Calcul des espérances de vie en santé : harmonisation, acquis et perspectives. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext, 1993.
Proceedings of the 6th REVES meeting held in Montpellier, France in 1992
Health Expectancy, 1992

Robine JM, Blanchet M, Dowd J-E, Eds. Health Expectancy. London: HMSO, 1992.
Proceedings of the
1st REVES meeting held in Québec, Canada in 1989