2010, Havana, Cuba
22nd REVES Meeting, Havana, Cuba

Public health interventions to increase health expectancies
The 22nd meeting of REVES was held in Havana, Cuba, on May 19-21, 2010, facilitated by Laurence G. Branch, PhD, of the University of South Florida in Tampa and assisted by Dr. Siu Lan Karen Cheung of the University of Hong Kong.
When available, the slides of the presentations are accessible
hereunder by clicking on the author’s name
Session 1: Global trends, concepts and data evaluations
- C Jagger , C Gillies, E Cambois, H Van Oyen, W Nusselder, G Doblhammer, J Rychtarikova, J-M Robine and the EHLEIS team. Similarities and differences in Healthy Life Years across the lifecourse in Europe.
- M G Parker , S Kelfve and C Lennartsson. Approaching retirement age: health and resources of 50 to 64-year-olds from 1968 to 2000.
- M Wolfson and G Rowe. Health paths dynamics: using functional health trajectories to quantify the Relative Importance of Selected Health Determinants.
- J-W Bruggink . Improving and extending Dutch statistics on Healthy Life Expectancy
Session 2: Trends I
- D Deeg . Should we worry about mild disability?
N E Rice . English baby-boomers nearing retirement: the
healthiest generation?
- E M León Díaz and M Gómez. Challenges for the health public system due to the fast growth of the aging population in Cuba. [Cancelled]
- M Thorslund , J Wastesson, M Lagergren and M G Parker. The rise and fall of women’s mortality advantage: national trends in life expectancy after 65.
- M Alvarez , L González and E Peláez. Dependency and disability among the elderly. Argentina 2002-03.
Session 3: Social and gender inequality
- S Fors , B Meinow, M G Parker and M Thorslund. Social inequalities in health among the oldest old: toward a social epidemiology of the fourth age.
F C D Andrade , P E Guevara, M L Lebrão, and J L F Santos.
Gender differences in life expectancy in Brazil.
- J K Montez , R A Hummer and M D Hayward. The Functional Form of the Relationship between Educational Attainment and Adult All-Cause Mortality Risk
- A Oksuzyan , R Jacobsen, K Glaser, C Tomassini, J W Vaupel and K Christensen. Sex differences in medication and primary healthcare use before and after spousal bereavement at older ages in Denmark - nationwide register study of over 6000 bereavements.
George Myers Memorial Lecture
- C Albala . Socio Economic Factors Shaping Older People Health Disparities in Latin-America: the case of Chile.
Session 4: Public health interventions & health expectancies
- W Nusselder , C Jagger, H Van Oyen, E Cambois and J-M Robine. Public health interventions to increase health expectancies: possible methods to overcome the gap in the evidence base.
- M L Smith , M G Ory, S N Ahn, B Resnick and T L Bazzarre. Utility of the EASY tool for evidence-based intervention enrollment: assessment of program completion and outcomes among older adults in Texas.
- R Ham-Chande . Requirements and hurdles to implement public intervention to improve health expectancies and well-being of the elderly.
Session 5: Methods - measures, models, simulations
- C Giudici , M F Arezzo and N Brouard. Estimating health expectancy in presence of missing data: an application using HID survey.
- E Cambois for the EHLEIS group. The impact of including or not the population living in institutions.
- F R Herrmann . Which regression models to use with repeated incidence data.
- A Andreotti , A Brogini and N Minicuci. Comparison of learning algorithms for Bayesian Networks models: a case study using the World Health Survey data.
- A Palloni and K Noronha . Life expectancy, healthy life expectancy and the effects of early life conditions: the case of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Session 6: Education and race differentials I
- B Klijs , W J Nusselder, C W N Looman and J P Mackenbach. Contribution of chronic disease to educational inequalities in the burden of disability.
- H Beltrán-Sánchez . Estimating healthy life expectancies by level of education in Mexico using Imach.
- L G Martin, Z Zimmer and B-S Hurng. Trends in Late-life disability in Taiwan by education and Mainlander status, 1993-2007.[Slides not available]
- M Hayward, R Wong, C-T Chiu and C González . Does the Hispanic paradox in mortality extend to disability? Comparisons of older Mexicans in the U.S. and Mexico.
Session 7: Trends II
- T Brugha , R Matthews, G Vilagut, the ESEMeD/MHEDEA 2000 Investigators, C Jagger. Mental health expectancies across Europe. [Slides not available]
- S L K Cheung and P S F Yip. Trends in dementia-free life expectancy in Hong Kong SAR: 1999-2008.
- H Brønnum-Hansen , M Kruse, J Sørensen and K Helweg-Larsen. Life expectancy and health expectancy among victims of violence in Denmark.
- M Alvarez , E Carrizo, E Peláez and L González. Average years of healthy life (without disabilities) Argentina 2002-2003.
Session 8: Oldest-old and longevity
- A Dutta . Epidemiological predictors of later life health: Elite Survival in Iowa EPESE cohort followed to ‘extinction’
- M Poulain . Longevity and Marital History.
- H Beltrán-Sánchez and J Ailshire. The role of health and health behaviors in determining survivorship among the U.S. oldest-old.
- J Margrett , P Martin, M MacDonald, G da Rosa, W Hsieh, A Bishop, G K Randall and L W Poon. Exceptional Longevity: The Case for Resilience and Vitality in Very Late Life.
- S J Olshansky, D P Goldman, Y H Zheng and J W Rowe. Aging in America in the twenty-first century: demographic forecasts from the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on an aging society. [Slides not available]
Session 9: Trends III
- C Jagger , R Matthews, D King, A Comas-Herrera, E Grundy, R Stuchbury, M Morciano, R Hancock and the MAP2030 team. Creating a harmonised disability measure across British national surveys from the hierarchy of activities of daily living.
- B K H She . Health status and health expectancy for the elderly in Hong Kong from 2004 to 2008.
- H Van Oyen , C Looman, B Cox, S Demarest, W Nusselder and R Charafeddine. The impact of smoking on a long and healthy life.
- N Minicuci and A Andreotti. Meta-analysis on interpersonal violence data among intimate partners: the PHASE project.
Session 10: Education and race differentials II
- V Yong and Y Saito. Are there education differentials in disability and mortality transitions and active life expectancy among older Japanese adults? Findings from 1999-2009 NUJLSOA.
- D C Brown , M D Hayward and R A Hummer. Spousal education and mortality in the United States.
- S K C and H Lentzner. Education Differential in Disability: A Global Perspective and Population Projection.
- P Deboosere , R Charafeddine, S Gadeyne and H Van Oyen. Improving health expectancies and the inequality paradox.
- C-T Chiu , M D Hayward, D C Brown and J K Montez. Does the Hispanic paradox in mortality extend to disability?
Session 11: Disability and old-age mortality
- J-P Michel . Alternation of compression and expansion of disability: geriatric perspectives.
- C Himes and S Reynolds. Obesity, falls, and disability.
- B Novak . Obesity and Subjective Survival Expectations in a Latin American Country: Costa Rica.
- M Lagergren and M Thorslund. Old-age mortality depending on disability level and mode of long-term care.
Conference book [PDF | 175.0 K.o.]
Jagger session 1 [PDF | 430.6 K.o.]
Parker [PDF | 7.6 M.o.]
Wolfson [PDF | 304.4 K.o.]
Wolfson speaker’s notes [PDF | 103.5 K.o.]
Bruggink [PDF | 365.6 K.o.]
Deeg [PDF | 210.3 K.o.]
Rice [PDF | 1.2 M.o.]
Thorslund [PDF | 3.0 M.o.]
Gonzalez [PDF | 67.3 K.o.]
Fors [PDF | 59.4 K.o.]
Andrade [PDF | 1.8 M.o.]
Montez [PDF | 93.2 K.o.]
Oksuzyan [PDF | 335.1 K.o.]
Albala, GMML [PDF | 1.4 M.o.]
Nusselder [PDF | 230.3 K.o.]
Smith [PDF | 3.5 M.o.]
Ham-Chande [PDF | 50.9 K.o.]
Giudici [PDF | 180.4 K.o.]
Cambois [PDF | 208.2 K.o.]
Herrmann [PDF | 541.9 K.o.]
Andreotti [PDF | 602.9 K.o.]
Noronha [PDF | 1.6 M.o.]
Klijs [PDF | 475.5 K.o.]
Beltran-Sanchez [PDF | 277.6 K.o.]
Gonzalez [PDF | 2.1 M.o.]
Cheung [PDF | 335.1 K.o.]
Bronnum-Hansen [PDF | 319.5 K.o.]
Alvarez [PDF | 105.0 K.o.]
Dutta [PDF | 203.4 K.o.]
Poulain [PDF | 1.9 M.o.]
Beltran-Sanchez [PDF | 125.3 K.o.]
Margrett [PDF | 4.8 M.o.]
[ | 0 K.o.]
Jagger Session 9 [PDF | 178.1 K.o.]
She [PDF | 2.9 M.o.]
Van Oyen [PDF | 88.8 K.o.]
Minicuci [PDF | 186.0 K.o.]
Yong [PDF | 451.2 K.o.]
Brown [PDF | 118.8 K.o.]
K C [PDF | 436.5 K.o.]
Deboosere [PDF | 924.2 K.o.]
Chiu [PDF | 113.8 K.o.]
Michel [PDF | 677.8 K.o.]
Himes [PDF | 2.4 M.o.]
Novak [PDF | 936.6 K.o.]
Lagergren [PDF | 135.7 K.o.]