2016 Vienna, Austria
28th REVES meeting in Vienna

June 8-10th 2016, hosted by the Vienna Institute of Demography, Wittgenstein Centre, and organized by Marc Luy.
Determinants of Unusual and Differential Health Expectancy
This scientific meeting aims at developing a comprehensive picture of the factors decisive for human health and longevity. Papers will identify the key drivers of longer and healthier lives by explaining variations in various dimensions of health and in mortality. This includes the analysis of hitherto unexplained phenomena and paradoxes of health and longevity, among them the causes underlying unusual health and mortality patterns of subpopulations with specific, health and longevity-relevant characteristics, the factors determining differentials in health and mortality between population subgroups, and changes in health and longevity over time. Empirical studies, theoretical papers and overviews are welcome.
The "George Myers Lecture" was delivered by Sandra L. Reynolds, Emeritus Faculty at the School of Aging Studies, University of South Florida : "Past, present, and future perspectives on REVES and “my brilliant career”.
The meeting was part of the Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖWA, WU) Summer School programme on “The Demography of Health and Education”.
Session 1 – Body weight as risk factor for health and mortality. Chair: Dorly J. H. Deeg
- 1.1 Petronille Bogaert et al Life expectancy with and without disability by Body Mass Index categories in Belgium 1997-2011
- 1.2 Iliya Gutin. How “unhealthy” is unhealthy weight? Variation in BMI-associated premature mortality by gender, race, and education
- 1.3 Scott M. Lynch, J. Scott Brown. Regional differences in the relationship between type 2 diabetes and healthy and total life expectancy in the United States Beatriz Novak. Obesity and all-cause mortality in older adults: maximum body weight
Session 2 – New insights into the compression and expansion of morbidity debate. Chair: Eileen M. Crimmins
- 2.1 Marc Luy et al. Relationships between health and longevity in a cross-sectional context: findings from the HEMOX project
- 2.2 Mark D. Hayward et al. Do recent declines in U.S. life expectancy mean bad news for healthy life expectancy?
- 2.3 Fiona Matthews et al.. Frailty-free life expectancy across two decades and three regions
- 2.4 Mårten Lagergren et al.. Modeling old age life trajectories - a Japanese-Swedish comparison
Session 3 – Wellbeing, disability and functional limitation. Chair: Yasuhiko Saito
- 3.1 Ilaria Rocco et al.. Healthy ageing and wellbeing in Europe
- 3.2 Renata T. C. Yokota et al.. Contribution of chronic conditions to the disability burden using a multinomial outcome: Results for the older population in Belgium and Brazil, 2013
- 3.3 Jennifer Ailshire. Is the link between air pollution and cognitive function stronger among stroke survivors?
- 3.4 Zachary Zimmer et al.. Functional limitation trajectories and determinants across mid-life among a high fertility cohort: findings from the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey
Session 5 – Analysis of health and mortality: methodological innovations and applications. Chair: Cecilia Albala
- 5.1 Christos H. Skiadas. Exploring the HALE estimates of the Global Burden of Disease Study by a Simple, Gompertz, Weibull and an advanced IM model
- 5.2 Christian Wegner-Siegmundt, Marc Luy. Using the Longitudinal Survival Method to estimate healthy life expectancy by education in Germany
- 5.3 Jose R. Rubio Valverde, Wilma J. Nusselder. What if international comparisons of health expectancies and socio-economic disparities do depend on the choice of the survey used? An approach for consolidation
- 5.4 Nicolas Brouard, Yao-Chi Shih. Forward and backward period prevalences: living arrangements in the Health and Retirement Survey
- Session 6 – Mortality and longevity: analysis of specific risk groups and risk factors. Chair: Roberto Ham-Chande
- 6.1 Michel Poulain et al.. Causes of death and exceptional longevity in Sardinia and Ikaria
- 6.2 Vanessa di Lego et al.. Mortality selection among adults in Brazil: the survival advantage of Air Force Officers
- 6.3 Wanda Van Hemelrijck et al. Inequalities in cancer mortality by migrant background: a quantitative study on determinants in Belgium
- 6.4 Cristina Giudici et al.. Social isolation as a risk factor for mortality: results from the French HID mortality follow-up
Session 7 – Socioeconomic inequalities in health and aging. Chair: Herman Van Oyen
- 7.1 Madhavi Bajekal et al. Socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancy with and without multimorbidities: a cohort study of 1.3 million patients in England
- 7.2 Elke Loichinger, Wiraporn Pothisiri. Prospects of aging and health in Thailand
- 7.3 Emmanuelle Cambois et al. Assessing the contribution of poverty to educational differentials in disability in 26 European countries
- 7.4 Luciana Correia Alves, Natália Martins Arruda. Socioeconomic inequality and health status among the Brazilian elderly, 1998 and 2008
Session 8 – Determinants of workability and health differentials between SES groups. Chair: Carol Jagger
- 8.1 Daniela Weber, Elke Loichinger. Working life expectancy and health in Europe: trends and determinants
- 8.2 Na Yin, Frank W. Heiland. Work disability reporting and disability programs in Europe and the U.S.
- 8.3 Maaike van der Noordt et al. Working life expectancy in poor and good health among Dutch 55- to 65-year olds
- 8.4 Wilma J. Nusselder et al. Variations in healthy aging: the role of different risk factors
Session 9 – Diff erentials in health and life expectancy. Chair: Mark D. Hayward
- 9.1 Henrik Brønnum-Hansen. An empirical study of social differentials in trends of the pattern of adult mortality in Denmark
- 9.2 Marc Luyet al. How increasing education levels drive rising life expectancy
- 9.3 Mine Kuehnet al. Male-female health-survival paradox in Cuba, Mexico, and Hispanics in the US.
- 9.4 Alyson van Raalte, Tim Riffe. Accounting for temporal variation in morbidity.
Session 10 – Specifi c perspectives on health expectancy. Chair: Sandra L. Reynolds
- 10.1 Carol Jagger et al. Are religion and spirituality determinants of differential health expectancy across Europe?
- 10.2 Chi-Tsun Chiu et al. Active life expectancy for elderly Singaporeans by number of teeth and chewing ability.
- 10.3 Bruno Arpino et al. Subjective life expectancy: differences by smoking, education and gender
- 10.4 Danan Gu et al. Measuring successful aging life expectancies
Session 11 – Cognition and health. Chair: Zachary Zimmer
- 11.1 Eileen M. Crimmins et al. Change in cognitively healthy and cognitively impaired life expectancy in the United States: 2000-2010
- 11.2 Dorly J. H. Deeg. Mind over matter? 20-year trends in physically and cognitively healthy life years of 65-year-olds in the Netherlands
- 11.3 Cecilia Albala et al. Trajectories of cognitive impairment and dementia in Chilean older people
- 11.4 Govert Bijwaard, Mikko Myrskylä. Education, cognitive ability and cause-specific mortality: a structural approach
Session 12 – Regional disparities in health and health expectancy. Chair: Emmanuelle Cambois
- 12.1 Jennifer Karas Montez et al. Disparities in adult disability across U.S. States: What is the role of state environments?
- 12.2 Roberto Ham-Chande et al. Inequality and health expectancies in Argentina
- 12.3 Asim Butt , Chris White. Does the scale of small area deprivation dispersion inform healthy life expectancy gaps within local authority populations and what are the implications for policy responses?
- 12.4 Xiaochun Qiao, Wenzhen Ye. Variability of active health expectancy among provinces of China and its determinants
- Jeofrey Abalos: Regional diff erentials in health expectancy among older persons in the Philippines
- Cristina Avram, Olga Gagauz: Healthy life expectancy in the Republic of Moldova
- Emmanuelle Cambois, Yacouba Campaoré, Géraldine Duthé, Abdramane Soura: Living healthy in Ouagadougou: gender differences in the years lived in poorer health and disability in the 20-79 age group
- Renato Souza Cintra, Everton E. Campos de Lima, Luciana Correia Alves: The impact of the cash transfer programs in healthy life expectancy of Brazilian elderly in 2013
- Barbara Corso, Ilaria Rocco, Nadia Minicuci, Daniela Luzi, Fabrizio Pecoraro, Michael Rigby, Mitch Blair: Models and indicators of child primary care in European countries
- Andrew Kingston, Rachel Duncan, Blossom Stephan, Fraser Birrell, Tom Kirkwood, Carol Jagger: The association of joint pain with incident and progressive disability in the very old – the Newcastle 85+ Study
- Nadia Minicuci, Naidoo Nirmala, Somnath Chatt erji, Paul Kowall: Sociodemographic and health-related harmonised domains from SAGE plus ELSA, HRS, and SHARE
- Max Reason: Investigating the eff ect of adolescent exposure to community violence on measures of physical and behavioral CVD risk factors in early adulthood
- Koyel Sarkar: Malaria burden in India: prevalence and performance of health services
Programme [PDF | 882,3 K.o.]
Session 1.1 [PDF | 423,0 K.o.]
Session 1.2 [PDF | 1,6 M.o.]
Session 1.3 [PDF | 273,0 K.o.]
Session 1.4 [PDF | 924,6 K.o.]
Session 2.2 [PDF | 1,5 M.o.]
Session 2.3 [PDF | 1,3 M.o.]
Session 2.4 [PDF | 208,7 K.o.]
Session 3.1 [PDF | 353,2 K.o.]
Session 3.2 [PDF | 569,7 K.o.]
Session 3.3 [PDF | 558,2 K.o.]
Session 3.4 [PDF | 879,4 K.o.]
Session 5.1 [PDF | 1,4 M.o.]
Session 5.3 [PDF | 1,7 M.o.]
Session 5.4 [PDF | 770,8 K.o.]
Session 6.1 [PDF | 4,6 M.o.]
Session 6.2 [PDF | 351,7 K.o.]
Session 6.3 [PDF | 1,6 M.o.]
Session 6.4 [PDF | 784,1 K.o.]
Session 7.1 [PDF | 1,1 M.o.]
Session 7.2 [PDF | 1,8 M.o.]
Session 7.3 [PDF | 2,5 M.o.]
Session 7.4 [PDF | 665,5 K.o.]
Session 8.1 [PDF | 337,8 K.o.]
Session 8.2 [PDF | 603,2 K.o.]
Session 8.3 [PDF | 977,4 K.o.]
Session 8.4 [PDF | 317,4 K.o.]
Session 9.1 [PDF | 525,5 K.o.]
Session 9.4 [PDF | 508,0 K.o.]
Session 10.1 [PDF | 1,8 M.o.]
Session 10.2 [PDF | 303,8 K.o.]
Session 10.3 [PDF | 661,5 K.o.]
Session 11.1 [PDF | 500,3 K.o.]
Session 11.2 [PDF | 2,2 M.o.]
Session 11.3 [PDF | 566,0 K.o.]
Session 11.4 [PDF | 651,5 K.o.]
Session 12.1 [PDF | 657,0 K.o.]
Session 12.2 [PDF | 882,8 K.o.]
Session 12.3 [PDF | 955,3 K.o.]
Session 12.4 [PDF | 621,5 K.o.]