2006 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
18th REVES meeting, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2006

18th REVES meeting, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2006
"Differential trends in health expectancy: implications for the future"
Host: Prf Dorly Deeg, the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (May 29-31 2006)
The 18th REVES meeting focussed on the changes in population health over historic time. Increases in life expectancy are seen in most developed and developing countries. However, increases in life expectancy are not always paralleled by equal increases in health expectancy. Trends in health and health expectancy appear to show differences across countries, and within countries, among socio-economic groups and genders. In order to aid policy development, we need to gain a deeper understanding of mechanisms driving these trends. The objective of this meeting is to share the experience in both developing and developed countries, including research findings that may help form policy, as well as methods of analysis and measurement to better equip future projections of health expectancy.
The available slides of the presentations are accessible
hereunder by clicking on the author’s name.
Session on Trends in disability (1)
- Breakwell, C . Differential trends in disability-free life expectancies at age 65, Great Britain, 1980-2002
- Gispert, R . Changes in health expectancy and in disability free life expectancy in Catalonia, 1994-2000
- Molla, M. Trends in expected years of active life among the older population of the U.S.: 1992-2001
- Puts, M . Changes in the prevalence of chronic diseases and mobility limitations/ADL disability in Dutch older persons between 1987 and 2001
Session on Validity of questions
- Bajekal, M . The reliability and validity of global question on disability: results from a cross-survey comparison of disability estimates in Great Britain
- Brown, J.S. Racial Differences in Reporting Assistive Device Use in the United States: The Effects of Question Order
- Cambois, E . Displaying a set of DFLE estimates for France in recent years: consistent and diverging patters according to the underlying disability measure
Session on Burden of disease (1)
- Andrade, F . The health burden of diabetes in Latin America and the Caribbean: estimates of diabetes-free life expectancy, total life expectancy and healthy life expectancy by diabetic status
- Bronnum-Hansen, H . The impact of selected risk factors on expected lifetime without longstanding limiting illness and quality-adjusted life-years
- Juel, K. Burden of selected risk factors in Denmark
- Reynolds, S. Comparing obese older adults to their peers: Does the comparison group matter?
- van Baal, P . Estimating Health Adjusted Life Expectancy conditional on risk factors: methodology and results for smoking and obesity
Session on Socio-demographic
- Jagger, C. How socioeconomic differentials in the dynamics transitions of disability result in social inequalities in disability-free life expectancy at older ages: results from the MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Study
- Kaneda, T . Describing racial differences in US health insurance coverage: A multistate life table approach
- Scholz, R. Social mortality differences of 5.2 million German men aged 65 and older: evidence from the "German Union of Pension Systems"(Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungsträger - VDR) dataset
- León Diaz , EM. Gómez, M. Disability free life expectancy (DFLE) in seven cities of Latin America and the Caribbean. Socio-demographic factors associated
Session on Burden of disease (2)
- Lapostolle, A . Use of a summary measure of population health to describe the burden of disease in France for the years 2000 and 2001
- Mueller, U . Is the present allocation of kidney-transplants optimal? An analysis with data of the United States Renal Data System
- Albala, C. Health adjusted life expectancy in the elderly in Santiago Chile
- Goyal, RS. Early life conditions and disease and disability burden of elderly men and women in India: a comparative analysis
Session on Trends in disability (2)
- Gomez-Redondo, R . Equilibrium trend in health and mortality compression: The Spanish case
- Parker, M . Health among very old Swedes 1992 to 2002: no changes in ADL despite poorer health
- Deeg, D. The role of assistive devices in trends of functional ability 1993-2003
- Lafortune, G . Are disability rates among elderly people falling in OECD countries?
- Van Oyen, H , Cox, B. Trend in disability-free life expectancy in Belgium between 1997 and 2004.
Session on Methods of analysis
- Boshuizen, H. Disease-free life expectancey: Sullivan versus Multi-state revisited
- Lynch, SM. Sullivan’s Method with Covariates: A Bayesian Approach for Obtaining Interval Estimates of Healthy Life for Specific Subpopulations
- Matthews, F. Cognitive impaired life expectancy, a discussion of recent methodological improvements and methods for investigating model fit
- Hoogeveen, R. Health gains of smoking cessation: accounting for age and time since smoking cessation
- Soneji, S . On the estimation of disability-free life expectancy
George Myers Memorial lecture, Johan Mackenbach
Session on Specific health measures
- Lièvre, A. Assessing an indicator of healthy working life expectancy for France using a longitudinal survey
- Saito, Y. Which matters for the elderly’s health: Number of teeth or ability to chew?
- Wilkie, R. The prevalence and associations of participation restriction in adults aged 50 years and over in the general population
- Rott, C. Physical and cognitive functioning at the frontier of the human life span: A Longitudinal Analysis from the Heidelberg Centenarian Study
- Spizzichino, D. Objective and subjective dimensions of gender differences in perceived health
Session on Geographic variation
- Zimmer, Z. Rural/Urban variation in mortality in China
- Gispert, R . Geographic pattern of Disability Free Life Expectancy (DFLE) by regions in Spain, 1999
- Robine, J-M . Presentation of the EHEMU
- Nusselder, W . The MicMac project
Session on Trends (3)
- Hermann, F. Proposing a new indicator: The oldest old support ratio
- Bongaarts, J. Long range trends in senescent mortality
- Nusselder, W. Health expectancy to monitor health: achievements and challenges ahead in the Netherlands
- Himes, C . TRENDS Network
- Andrade, F. Functional disability and diabetes among Latin American and Caribbean elders.
- Midy, L . Study of the efficiency of a short self-administered questionnaire on disabilities and handicap
- Wilkie, R. Keele Assessment of Participation (KAP): a new instrument for measuring participation restriction in population surveys
- Spizzichino, D, Di Giorgio, G. Health condition and marital status: is there a selective effect? Evidence from Italy
Programme [PDF | 80.7 K.o.]
Sminia.pdf [PDF | 66.3 K.o.]
Breakwell.pdf [PDF | 140.6 K.o.]
Gispert.pdf [PDF | 118.8 K.o.]
Puts.pdf [PDF | 120.4 K.o.]
Bajekal.pdf [PDF | 201.9 K.o.]
Brown.pdf [PDF | 198.1 K.o.]
Cambois.pdf [PDF | 166.6 K.o.]
Andrade.pdf [PDF | 405.6 K.o.]
Bronnum-Hansen.pdf [PDF | 813.2 K.o.]
Reynolds.pdf [PDF | 362.4 K.o.]
van Baal.pdf [PDF | 635.2 K.o.]
Jagger.pdf [PDF | 598.6 K.o.]
Kaneda.pdf [PDF | 130.9 K.o.]
Léon.pdf [PDF | 1.3 M.o.]
Lapostolle.pdf [PDF | 1.8 M.o.]
Mueller.pdf [PDF | 2.0 M.o.]
Albala.pdf [PDF | 2.7 M.o.]
Gomez-Rodondo.pdf [PDF | 148.1 K.o.]
Van Oyen.pdf [PDF | 366.8 K.o.]
Parker.pdf [PDF | 301.4 K.o.]
Lafortune.pdf [PDF | 182.6 K.o.]
Boshuizen.pdf [PDF | 415.7 K.o.]
Lynch.pdf [PDF | 709.6 K.o.]
Matthews.pdf [PDF | 172.2 K.o.]
Hoogeveen.pdf [PDF | 167.9 K.o.]
Soneji.pdf [PDF | 172.1 K.o.]
Mackenbach.pdf [PDF | 833.4 K.o.]
Lièvre.pdf [PDF | 600.0 K.o.]
Saito.pdf [PDF | 61.4 K.o.]
Wilkie.pdf [PDF | 171.6 K.o.]
Rott.pdf [PPT | 781.5 K.o.]
Zimmer.pdf [PDF | 379.8 K.o.]
Gispert.pdf [PDF | 246.1 K.o.]
Robine.pdf [PDF | 1.6 M.o.]
Nusselder.pdf [PDF | 346.1 K.o.]
Deeg.pdf [PDF | 1.3 M.o.]
Nusselder-trends.pdf [PDF | 512.4 K.o.]
Himes.pdf [PDF | 90.1 K.o.]
Andrade.pdf [PDF | 422.4 K.o.]
Midy.pdf [PDF | 123.7 K.o.]
Wilkie.ppt [PPT | 164.0 K.o.]